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Ieva Gribuste, Chiropractor

Chiropractor Hove, Ieva Gribuste

GCC Registered
Member of United Chiropractic Association

It is often through a personal health crisis that chiropractors find their way into the Chiropractic profession, but Ieva was unique in that she had always wondered if there was something that would help people maintain the good health they were born with – something natural, that would support the body’s own ability to heal itself.

It was with this in mind that Ieva began her search and discovered Chiropractic!

Ieva is originally from Latvia where Chiropractic is almost unknown or relatively new. Through support from her family she was fortunate to have an opportunity to study outside Latvia. At first Ieva applied for physiotherapy at several universities but was rejected because they did not want international students so what appeared to be doors closing was in fact quite the opposite and doors were opening into the wonderful world of the science, art and philosophy of the Chiropractic profession.

Chiropractic Education

Ieva’s love for the profession developed very quickly while studying at the University of South Wales through meeting amazing people with diverse backgrounds who were involved in the Chiropractic profession and continued during her associateship in Manchester where she developed a special interest in working with arthritic conditions, scoliosis and headaches and the psychological aspect associated with disease.

The human body with all its functions and how it works together through innate intelligence is endlessly fascinating, and to feed this ongoing passion Ieva frequently attends post graduate courses and seminars to increase her knowledge and discover advances within the Chiropractic profession, to bring the very best to those patients within her care.

Ieva’s cheerful, caring and unassuming nature hides an extremely knowledgeable and dedicated practitioner who is at ease with people from all walks of life and she is keen to help people discover the secret of true health, which is a fully functioning nervous system! Socrates said – “if you would seek health look first to the spine!”

Ieva’s love of the sea and the south coast brings her to Brighton and we are delighted to welcome her to our Chiropractic family! Contact us today!

Chiropractor Ieva Gribuste | 01273 208188